Domain Age checker | Check Domain Age, Server IP and History

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Domain Age Checker

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About Domain Age Checker


domain age checker

How well you "do" in online business is directly proportional to how well you "know."

Because what you know is what you'll put into practice. And your outcomes will be determined by what you apply.

Even seemingly minor information can help you stay one step ahead of the competition.

Sure, that necessitates essential expertise, such as how to best win consumers for your company. However, it also includes minor characteristics such as the age of your URL's domain.

That is why we built the Domain Age Checker tool, which is both free and premium.



In simple terms, "Domain Age" refers to the length of time a domain name has been active. It refers to the age of a domain name.

If a domain name was registered in 2010, for example, it will be ten years old by 2020.

What exactly is a domain name? It's a website's address, like That is, the URL to your website that Internet users can use to go to it.


Domain Age Checker is a tool we created with the goal of determining the age of any domain name on the Internet.

Because it is loaded with essential domain name checking functions, this is by far the most powerful domain age checking tool you'll discover on the web.

Other domain age checkers often only display the domain's age in years.

TOOLSCROWD's Domain Age Checker, on the other hand, is a lot more advanced.

Not only does our domain tool show you the age of your domain name, but it also tells you the precise time, day, month, and year it was created.

That's not all, though:

Our domain age checker also works its magic by revealing more information about your domain name, such as:

  • The last time the domain was updated
  • The domain's date of expiration
  • IP (internet protocol) address (the IP address will tell you who is currently hosting the website and the type of IP address it has)
  • Name servers are the servers that are associated with a domain name.
  • Backlink to the domain name's history on, including previous designs, layouts, and contents.
  • The domain name's registrar.

This means the tool not only serve as your domain age checker but also as:

  • Domain expiry date checker
  • Domain IP address checker
  • Web host checker
  • Domain name server checker
  • Domain registrar checker

With such a feature set, it's clear that this isn't your typical domain age checker, but rather a sophisticated domain name analyzer.

Oh, and did we mention that everything is free? Yes, it is absolutely free. There are no hidden fees or monthly fees. In fact, you can use it without registering first.


Our Domain Age Analyzer is so simple to use that you'll think you're having a good time with it!

You can check the age of a single domain or a group of domains.

Here's how to do it:

Step 1:To use the tool, you must first be on this page (, which you are currently on.

Step 2: Enter your domain name(s) with http:// in the text box provided.

Step 3: To run the request, click “Check Domain Age” after you've input your domain name(s).

Our well-built engine will deliver the result in about a second, which will normally look like this:

You can access more details by clicking on "More info":

If you select "History of Domain," the engine will display the domain's whole history. The history will indicate if the domain was registered 15 years ago, utilized for five years, then discarded, and then re-registered and active three years ago.

This will provide you with a good indication of how old the domain is. You'll also find out if it has a previous owner or owner.

There is no other machine on the Internet that is as advanced as this one.


The following are some of the reasons why you would want to examine the age of a domain name.

But first, keep in mind that you might want to look into:

  • The age of a domain name you want to buy that is already registered.
  • The domain names of your rivals' competitors' competitors' competitors' competitors' competitors' competitors' competitors' competitors'
  • Alternatively, you may look at the age of your own domain name.
  • The major reason for determining domain age is to determine WHEN the domain was registered and HOW OLD it is presently.


You most likely already knew when you registered your own running domain name. So, checking it out isn't the best way to spend your time and won't help you much (unless you've forgotten when you registered your domain name).

That leaves us with the other two options:

  • Checking the domain age of a name you want to buy
  • Checking the age of competing domains

Checking the age of your competitors' domain names accomplishes one thing: you now know how long their domain names have been around, giving you an indication of who you're up against.

Checking the age of a domain name you want to acquire, on the other hand, provides you an indication of what you're getting yourself into.

The following are the reasons why knowing domain age is important for these two reasons:

  • You can obtain an indication of the size of the domain name's backlink profile. An older domain name has a higher possibility of having a higher link profile. Why? Because it has been around for a long time and may have amassed some links along the way. The owner may have made an effort to build some high-quality backlinks, and search engines do take the quantity and quality of backlinks into account when ranking websites. Future owners can benefit greatly from the prior owner's SEO efforts to build a strong link profile.
  • You'll get a sense of how well the domain performs in search engine results. As previously said, a long-established domain name (with a high-quality backlink profile) is likely to perform well in search. Most SEOs feel that the age of a domain is one of Google's ranking considerations. It will save you a lot of SEO time, money, and effort if a website has a strong search engine rating. Checking the name's age might also give you an idea of how well it's doing in searches.
  • You get a sense of how much traffic to anticipate. A well-established domain will receive a significant volume of traffic. Although there are other elements that influence how much traffic a website receives, such as providing regular content, a domain name that has been there for a while will “naturally” perform better in terms of organic or direct traffic than a fresh one.
  • You can obtain a sense of the domain name's reputation. Purchasing a fully new domain name entails beginning from the ground up in order to establish a positive reputation. Long-standing domain names, on the other hand, may have a positive reputation in their market niche. This indicates that users have established some trust in the brand name because it has been there for a while and they are familiar with it. You can tell how long a domain has been around by looking at its age.
  • You'll get a sense of how awful the domain name is. With the four qualities above in mind, you can conclude that all long-running domain names are pure and divine. Don't get me wrong: they aren't all flawless. After you've checked the age of a domain name and discovered that it's been around for a while, you can try to figure out if it has any negativism associated with it and how long it's been there. For example, the prior owner may have tried to obtain some search engine advantages by using black hat SEO practices. Another issue with certain existing domain names is that they have a negative reputation among users. It's possible that some users have blocked the website or labeled it as spam or malware. If these issues are not addressed, the domain's future may be jeopardized. Checking the domain name provides you an indication of how long it's been around so you can conduct some research before buying it.


Just go ahead and begin checking right now!

All of the domain information provided by our tool can assist you in making the best selection possible when buying a used domain name.

However, you should not make your selection only based on this tool. You should study the domain name extensively, and we have a number of tools to help you do so.

Backlink Checker, Whois Checker, Domain Authority Checker, and Blacklist Lookup are some of the tools available. All of these tools can assist you in making the best possible purchase decision when purchasing an existing domain name.